Brook Cheatham

A word to Live by.
All of us have the ability to overcome things in our lives. Defining moments in our “story” give us a choice, the courage to either become our truth, or live in a lie.
Before Yoga came into my life, I was still searching for the great “why”. What’s it all for?
As a new mother and strapped to a corporate job, weightloss goals led me to yoga. Little did I know that I had finally found my “why”?
With yoga, I did lose weight, and became more physically strong than I had ever imagined. Then little by little, my life’s purpose started taking shape. I drank less, smoked less, and yelled less at random drivers on the road. I forgave, I grew, I became Happier with my body and more accepting of others.
Looking back, the step to yoga from a life of dance was natural, but the change in my actual nature, my spirit was what led me to become a teacher in 2004. What I love most about yoga is it is never-ending. I never leave yoga class thinking, “well; glad that’s over!” I feel there is always a new layer to uncover with each practice.
The journey to self- realization and observation is this amazing sequence of events that you can always learn from- you just have to be still long enough to hear your essence speak. And its something you can’t experience without getting on your mat, and getting real.
Expect to be inspired, empowered, and leave my class with your heart open wide, ready to give and receive life/love to your fullest potential.